My name is Raluca-Ecaterina Dragomir, also known as Raludra, and I am based in Bucharest. Growing up without hearing words was a challenge that taught me to perceive the world differently and influenced how I express myself through art.
I work in graphic art, painting, graphite, and sculpture, exploring a variety of styles and techniques. I embrace versatility and refuse to confine myself to a single artistic approach. My works often combine elements of human and animal life, weaving together narratives inspired by mythology and fantasy.
For me, art is both a craft and a continuous journey of discovery, and I approach every piece with dedication and creativity.
born in Bucharest, Romanian.
Lives and works in Bucharest.
1996-1998 › Sabin Drăgoi Art High School, Arad. Graphic Arts Department
1998-2000 › Graduate, Nicolae Tonitza Art High School, Bucharest. Graphic Arts Department
2000-2004 › Graduate, Nicolae Grigorescu National University of Arts, Faculty of Decorative Arts and Design, Bucharest. Metal Department
2010 › Member of the Romanian Fine Arts Union – Graphic Arts Department
2005› Ganesha, god of the blessed beginnings, Pedagogical Library, Bucharest, sponsored by India’s embassy in Romania – religious art
› Awarded: Excellence Diploma for special services for the Romanian-Indian Association in promoting Indian spiritual symbolism
2007 › I.C. Petrescu Library Galleries – graphics, painting, metal art (Awarded: Excellence Diploma by the Mihai Eminescu International Academy, on the eve of the poet’s 157th anniversary), Bucharest
2008 › Gaudeamus, International Festival , Bucharest – graphics, painting, metal art.
2022 › „Un Popas” at the Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
1996 › UNESCO international exhibition Celebrazioni cinquentenario, Reggio Calabria, Italy (Awarded: silver medal)
1997 › For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory Festival, sponsored by A.P.A.R.
1999 › Requiem for a bloody Christmas, National Arts Hall – graphics and painting
2000 › Byzantine icons and painting, A.A.P. Hall, Bucharest – graphics › Hotel Capitol Hall, Bucharest – graphics › Echoes of Eminescu’s influence in art, A.G.I.R., Bucharest – graphics and painting
2001 › Our Lord is Risen, Ganeasa Monastery – religious art
2002 › The World of Eminescu, „Casa Centrala a Armatei” , Bucharest – graphics
› Comedy Theater, Bucharest – graphics and painting
2003 › An Homage to St. Mary, Point Hall, Bucharest – religious art › We are artists too, Constantin Brancusi Hall, Bucharest, sponsored by A.N.P.H. – graphics, painting and metal art › Performances Album, published with the aid of A.N.P.H. › Group exhibition at A.N.P.H. headquarters, Bucharest
2004 › Solidarity through art, Romanian Radio Broadcasting Hall, sponsored by A.N.P.H. –Awarded: Honorary Diploma for Promoting Integration and Humanistic Values, awarded by the Romanian Government via M.M.S.S.F. and A.N. P.H.
› In Memoriam Gheorghe Anghel, „Ateneul Roman”, Bucharest – graphics and painting
› The Unalligned, Point Hall, Bucharest – graphics, painting, metal art
› In Memoriam Eugen Ionescu, Slatina – graphics
2005 › Group exposition at the Romanian Opera, sponsored by A.N.P.H.
› Exposition at Hotel Sky Gate, Bucharest – graphics, painting, metal art.
› Exposition at Howard Johnson Grand Plaza, Bucharest, sponsored by A.N.P.H.
› Awarded: Excellence Diploma for promoting Romanian Pedagogy, awarded during the 125th Anniversary of the I.C. Petrescu Pedagogical Library
2006 › Requiem for a bloody Christmas (6th edition), Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Timisoara
2007 › Requiem for a bloody Christmas (7th edition), Sibiu (Awarded: Diploma for a unique portrayal of Romanian (neo-)communism)
2008 › Arts Festival, Bucharest
2009 › Selari 13 Biennial, Apollo Hall, Bucharest
2010 › Winter Salon, Annual Visual Arts Exposition, Suțu Museum, Bucharest
› International salon, spurring Artists’ Civic involvement, Metropolitan Arts Centre, Bucharest
2011 › Winter Salon, Annual Visual Arts Exposition, Suțu Museum, Bucharest – painting, graphics
2012 › Spring Salon, Annual Visual Arts Exposition, Suțu Museum, Bucharest – graphics
2014 › International Comics – Constanţa – XXIV edition of SIBD – Graphic Novel „Zbeng & Zbântui”- Awarded
2017 ›”Universul Eminescu” – Art Gallery `Luceafaru` – National Park, Bucharest
2018 › Winter Salon, Annual Visual Arts Exposition, – Art gallery `Orizont`, Bucharest – graphics